Petri Kajander |  01:15:47  |   20-July-2024

In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Petri Kajander, a multifaceted entrepreneur, author, and self-proclaimed “business artist” originally from Finland. Our conversation wove through Petri’s diverse experiences and insights, offering a rich tapestry of wisdom on topics ranging from philosophy to technology.

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Key points in this episode:

I began by exploring Petri’s background, learning that he was born and raised in Finland, but has spent the last 8 years living in Tallinn, Estonia. Petri shared his brief foray into the film industry and his educational journey, including his time studying in the UK. I was intrigued when he explained how he coined the term “business artist” to describe his varied professional pursuits, emphasizing the creative aspect of entrepreneurship.

A significant portion of our discussion revolved around Petri’s book, “Fragments of Reality,” written 20 years ago. I was fascinated to learn how Eastern philosophies, particularly the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, influenced his thinking. Petri described the book as a practical guide to clearing one’s mind, written as daily reflections over a period of time.

Our conversation then shifted to technology and its impact on society. I found Petri’s perspective on how artificial intelligence might change the business landscape particularly insightful. He suggested that while it will lead to significant changes, particularly for white-collar workers, it’s part of an ongoing technological evolution rather than a singular, unprecedented event. We also touched on the potential effects of increased human longevity on our approach to life and work.

I was grateful for the valuable insights Petri shared on improving one’s tech setup for podcasting and video conferencing, emphasizing the importance of good audio quality. His advice on digital security, including password management and the use of hardware authentication devices, was both practical and eye-opening.

We concluded with a rapid-fire segment where I asked Petri about superstitions, career choices, and how he deals with feeling down. Throughout, I was struck by Petri’s deep, philosophical approach to life, emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment.

As I reflected on our conversation, I realized that listeners would come away from this episode with not only practical tips on technology and personal development but also with food for thought on deeper, existential questions. Petri’s unique blend of technological savvy and philosophical insight, shaped by his experiences across different cultures, made for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation that I’m excited to share with my audience.z

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